I honestly do not like this tree very much because of the bows and red tinsel (What was I thinking?)
But oh well we didn't have much to work with as far as decorating goes!

This is the tree from 2008. I didn't add any garland just beads I think and silver tinsel. I really liked how this one turned out it looked much more Christmas like :)

This tree is very much like the one from 2008. This is the 2009 tree and I did add garland to this one. You will notice its pretty much the same as the other tree minus garland.

This is my tree from 2010. Many of the same decorations as the others. This was a very empty tree as you will notice it does have a few newer decorations on it.

And my newest tree. This is new as the other one had to be tossed because it was falling apart. This one is 3 feet but in its own way looks cute.
Very random post but I felt like posting my trees :)
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