Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I hate about flyer shopping

Once in a while when I am going through a flyer at Christmas I noticed that one week they will have something on sale, and a week or 2 later that item will go on sale for cheaper. Sometimes I get this gut wrenching feeling because I didn't get the item for cheaper, but doesn't that seem silly?

I think I mostly find it to be an annoyance though. And as the years pass I come to expect each week to have something great for a deal but seeing items go on sale for cheaper always sucks.

I titled this post flyer shopping, though I guess I am not really shopping. I am just browsing the flyer prices. This year my thought is changing though on all of this because I want my shopping done at least a week or 2 before Christmas. I mentioned the shopping crowds in my last post and frankly, I don't do well around huge crowds of people... So it seems like the best thing to do.

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